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Sunday 1 August 2010

Day 8: For Peat's Sake! Bog off!

Kirkby Stephen to Keld (12 miles)

Of course not you dear readers! The weather today was.... well- put it this way we still have a lot of factor 50 left!

Starting off at Kirkby Stephen Market Place
We started off in Kirkby Stephen and crossed the River Eden, going over Frank's Bridge. We then slowly started the long plod up to Nine Standards Rigg.

.Me and Sherpa Dad on the way up the hill to Nine Standards Rigg
We reached the standards (nine big cairns) after about 2 hours of hard walking. It was great up there but was a little windy, however the cairns protected us from most of the gale.

One of the Nine Standards (and me)

Nine Standards

A little news bite: all of the rivers we have passed so far on our journey have been flowing against us into the Irish Sea, however as we crossed the nine standards ridge  all of that changed, as the rivers flow with us towards the North Sea.

We stayed there for a while and had a greatly deserved rest. We plodded on over all of the peat and bog ( Paddy loving it!- not taken enthusiastically by us ) Oh - and to make it worse it was raining ( no surprise... ).

The endless peat bogs

 We eventually hit a little path that led us onto the main road to Keld ( still in the rain ). We hit the pretty village, that was soon made even pretier by the steaming bath that awaited!
The usual weather
Marching down Swaledale to Keld

See you in Reeth! Caity :o)~

Highlight of the day: Keld is halfway!


  1. Half way - YIPPEE and WELL DONE team!

    Did Pads have a hot bath too after all the peat bogs?

  2. Did you know that today is "Yorkshire Day"? Sorry the weather was not celebrating your arrival at the half way point of your walk. So glad to hear that you are continuing in good spirits :)

  3. Been reading your blog today Caitlin. Well done to all of you reaching your half way mark! I see your Dad is misguiding you somewhat, I hope you don't end up walking twice the miles ha ha! Love to you all, I will continue reading your brill adventures......was camping all last week! Take Care and keep strong! xxxxxxxxxx Mandy and Leon

  4. Hi Caitlin
    I work with Sherpa Dad at Sunderland University. Just wanted to say that we're really proud of what you're all doing and we're going to all try really hard and concentrate our combined mind power to send you a couple of days of sunshine. Here goes....... nnnnggggggggggggghhh. Did it work??
    cheers, Andy

  5. Hi Caits, We have really enjoyed reading your brilliant blog! We are SO proud of your efforts and will bring you a little something back from Spain. Hope Pads is keeping your spirits up. Give him a big kiss from us. Love to Mum and Dad too. Lots of Love John, Karen and Joseph xxxxxxxxxxx
